5 lessons (volume 2)

1. I don’t think AAing (splitting the bill) is appropriate on little things (< $10 AUD for jobless me). This is definitely influenced by my exposure to Chinese culture whilst on exchange. Firstly, it’s inconvenient to deal with small change. Secondly, I think generosity is a symbol of friendship. It demonstrates you care, and requires trust that everything will effortlessly even out in the long-term.

2. University life is so much more than classes and assignments. My grades this semester are transferred as either pass or fail back home. So there is no difference in my academic transcript between scoring 50 or 100. I feel like Mario with the invincibility mushroom, free to explore Hong Kong and travel on the weekends. Despite all the fun I’ve had, I believe I’m still doing well academically, because there’s always time for what I care about. So I can and will get involved with some extracurricular activities next semester. After all, learning isn’t limited to the classroom.

3. Australian consumer protection laws are far stronger than those in Hong Kong, and China’s are just a joke. Take note before shopping.

4. Badminton is hard (but fun!). My muscles were more sore than after playing tennis, especially my buttocks and thighs, which made sitting down very uncomfortable in the following days.

5. While I was in Suzhou, I passed this store that sold postcards and a service: delivering postcards to your future self. It was 8 CNY for a postcard delivered 1 year later. This would have seemed a joke to me before, but I get it now. Life gets busy. Sometimes, we need a reminder of what our dreams are. And who better to do that than yourself.