
Hangzhou and Suzhou

Museums aren’t my thing. I prefer natural beauty over immersing myself in culture. And I’m completely amazed by water. So after visiting Beijing, I decided against visiting Shanghai. Instead, I went to Hangzhou and Suzhou a month ago, which are...


Hong Kong (volume 2)

I recently passed the half-way mark for exchange. Wow. It’s hard balancing studying with travelling in my limited time, because even though the latter is hard to come by, what I’ve come to realise is that the former, experiencing student...


Chongyi Church

While I was in Hangzhou last weekend, I thought I’d go somewhere a little off the beaten path for tourists. I went to one of the largest Christian churches in China: Chongyi Church (崇一教堂), which...


5 lessons (volume 1)

1. I like having a roommate. This surprised me, since as an only child, I’m used to privacy, and expected to despise sharing a room. But even if I could choose a single room now, I wouldn’t, because I value...


Culture shock

A thought occurred to me recently: I haven’t experienced the highs and lows of culture shock as I was warned to expect in Hong Kong. That’s because I forgot about the month I spent with family in Zhangzhou, China just...



My ‘social issues in China’ class today was about the environment. I got to re-watch clips of Under the Dome, a stellar documentary about pollution in China, also known as China’s version of An Inconvenient Truth, which I highly recommend...


Electricity usage anxiety

I’m blessed with being assigned to Lee Woo Sing college during my time at CUHK. It’s a newly built college, to accommodate for increased student numbers when Hong Kong moved to a 4 year undergrad curriculum in 2012. It also...


Hong Kong (volume 1)

Time flies! I’ve been in Hong Kong almost a month now. On the 2nd Saturday, the Office of Academic Links organised a city tour for all the exchange students. First stop was Victoria Peak. We...



Just before making my way to Hong Kong, I went to Beijing for just over 4 days (August 26-30). Unfortunately, because of China’s military parade on September 3rd, the Forbidden City was closed during my stay. In exchange, I got...


Moving in

I was a little startled yesterday when I remembered that I’m a student. After two and a half months of holidays, meeting and making friends, visiting family overseas and travelling, the thought of returning to uni life was not welcomed....